
While Patricia has a special niche with working moms, her coaching, consulting, and training extends beyond identity and into experience.

Individual Coaching

If you’re trying to figure out what you want, what’s in the way, how you’re going to get there, and you are having trouble taking that first step, Patricia can help.  Not only for moms, but for anyone trying to navigate the treacherous terrain of work-life, Patricia’s coaching helps clients find their path and confidently walk down it.

Team Coaching

If you’re part of a team that could benefit from improved problem solving, Patricia can help.  Certified in action learning, she uses her interventions to help a team solve a big, hairy problem while building leadership competencies at the same time.  She helps create increased team awareness, and helps team members blend their individual strengths, so the team – as a whole – benefits. 


If you’re a small business owner or entrepreneur, Patricia can offer guidance, advice, and support in running your business. She’s helped clients refine presentations, think through market opportunities, solve employee issues, plan for expansion, and write grant requests..  She’s been asked to poke holes, challenge, question, help, and DO.  Think of her as your private board of directors, your outsourced people person, or your business acumen developer.

Strategy Sessions

If you lead a team who needs an off-site to come together, or strategic planning session to get aligned, Patricia knows how to take this ball and run with it.  She is a master facilitator, ensuring that the team moves the relevant issues forward, while leaving the irrelevant ones behind.  She will force the team to attend to their ongoing dynamic, making future work more effective.  And, if it is helpful to the team to make decisions and improve results, she will offer her own insight and experience. 

Leadership Development

If you want to be a more respected leader, a more effective manager, a more inspirational person, or an overall better boss, Patricia’s leadership development program will help you lay all the building blocks in all the right places. The program includes a multitude of assessments to increase self-awareness, real-time observational feedback, and a regular cadence of upskilling, new competencies, and increased capability.

The Brain Boost

If you want to accelerate your mental fitness by boosting the three core mental muscles that control how you feel, think, and act, sign up for Patricia’s 8-week Positive Intelligence program. This includes the Positive Intelligence assessment which helps you discover the negative self-talk that is holding you back, and sabotaging your potential for both performance and happiness.

Shhh…hear that?

It can be easy to trivialize the power of good listening.  But Patricia’s ability to listen deeply is one of the things that her clients appreciate most about her.  They find instant trust and comfort with her, appreciating her thoughtful questions and her desire to hear the responses that are said out loud, and the ones that require a little more digging. 

“She taught me to be a deliberate thinker, to be courageous, and to lead with my heart as much as with my mind. Her patient approach to my development coupled with her sincere concern for my growth, accelerated my development and set me on the path for success…”

Robin Choi, SVP at Wells Fargo

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